Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Use Lace on My Face!

When it comes to your skincare regimen, skip the scrub and grab the lace. Lace For The Face, that is! What is it and how do you use it? It is a beautiful little terrycloth washcloth with a lace overlay that is used for daily cleansing with your facewash. It is dermatologist recommended, suitable for sensitive skin, and hypoallergenic.

I bought my Lace For The Face recently at my local health food store and I LOVE it! I use it every other day (though it can be used every day) to exfoliate my skin. It gently sloughs away dead skin, while lifting dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells out of your pours. My skin feels silky smooth and my pours are visibly smaller.

Lace For The Face can be used on your entire body. No need to buy expensive scrubbing products. Use it on your entire body to help with rough skin, sun damage, ingrown hairs, and blemishes. The packaging actually states that you can use it to "spot treat" pimples. Oh how I wish that I no longer dealt with the occasional zit, but I still break out at, once a month. I recently tried using it on my blemish, and it worked. Unlike popping pimples, which is bad for the skin, applying a little bit of pressure with this exfoliating cloth can safely open it up!

I'm done with scrubs. Its just Lace for my face! Find this natural microdermabrasion cloth at your local health food store or go to

Package warning: If you have had painful, bleeding, scaring acne, or any other serious or painful skin condition, consult your dermatologist prior to use of any microdermabrasion product. Do not use around eye area."

Here's to beautiful skin, and here's to your health!


  1. wow, what a cool idea! i use crochet "scrubbies" sometimes, and the exfoliating cleansers now and then, but i love this idea! i'm terrible about washing my face at night but maybe if i could do it with pretty lace i'd be more inclined :D

  2. YES!!
    i use this product and love it so much :)
    i used to have little bumpy pimples on my forehead until my dermatologist recommended the Lace and it got rid of them right away :)
    i now can't live without it.
