This week I quote a passage from the book of John, chapter 6, verse 31 (also found in Matthew 7:12). We have all heard this quoted many times. The "Golden Rule" existed before Christ, in the rabbinic writings and also in other religions. All other versions cast the rule as a negative command, like Rabbi Hiilel's version, "What is hateful to yourself do not to someone else." But Jesus made it a positive command, saying,
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Now the meaning of the saying comes to life, and we see this one command sum up the whole gist of the ethical principles provided in the Commandments. We see that we ought not to just avoid hating or hurting one another, but instead be actively loving one another.
Have some wisdom to share? Post your link below. Be sure to post the permalink to your post and not the general link to your blog. Have a great a healthy weekend!

Great wisdom.... the real thing! Maybe we can join in but I don't know how to do "Mr. Linky"